Wednesday, June 5, 2013

こんにちは (Hello!)

"Kon'nichiwa" (Hello) from Japan!

Since leaving Hot Springs yesterday morning, I've spent fourteen and a half hours on airplanes, crossed the international date line, ridden trains for four hours, and realized that my camera has decided not to take pictures in this beautiful country.... But it's all been worth it because the handful of people that we've met since arriving in Hanamaki have been kind and incredibly welcoming. I'm not sure anyone could receive a warmer reception!

ありがとう (Arigato, or "Thank you")

We owe a huge "Arigato" to our new friend Satoru Fudai who accompanied us from the Narita airport to Hanamaki and helped us navigate the train stations. I'm not sure we could have done it without him!

I also want to thank Ichiro Fudai, Satoru's father, who met us at the Hanamaki train station with his wife. Ichiro has been an avid supporter of the Sister City foundation and has visited Hot Springs many, many times. In fact, he calls himself "a geek of Hot Springs".

Koichi Echigo, the manager of Hanamaki's Office of International Relations, drove us from the train station to our hotel. He and Yumi Matsuda were also very helpful during dinner, explaining the week's itinerary and giving us tips on Japanese language and etiquette.

Tomorrow, we'll walk through Nanjo Junior High School, visit a museum, and meet both the Mayor and the President of Hanamaki's International Association. It will definitely be a full day!

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